• горячий
    Направляющее кольцо из карбида вольфрама

    Направляющее кольцо из карбида вольфрама

    Tungsten carbide rolls are rolls made by powder metallurgy using tungsten carbide and cobalt as materials. There are two types: integral and combined. It was born after the advent of powder metallurgy technology in 1909, with the development of the metal processing industry. It has been widely used in various fields of plastic metal processing, from non-ferrous metals to steel, from hot-rolled wire and pipe to cold-rolled foil. , Rebar, etc. ingredient The composition of tungsten carbide rolls is different due to the different working conditions of the rolls. Even in the same finishing rolling unit, the roll composition of different stands is also different. High-speed wire rolling mill rolls are mainly tungsten carbide rolls with cobalt as the binder. Due to poor water quality, a few continuous casting and rolling mills also use tungsten carbide rolls with Co-Ni-Cr as the binder, and the cost is also low. organization The metallurgical structure of tungsten carbide rolls is composed of matrix phase WC and bonding phase Co. performance The hardness of tungsten carbide rolls increases with increasing WC content, while the toughness increases with increasing content of binder phase. Наша компания производит твердосплавные рулоны с плоской проволокой, обжимные колеса, профилированные рулоны с высокой точностью, высокой твердостью и износостойкостью. Стандарты размеров продукта могут быть нажаты. Точность продукта может достигать 0,001 мм. Прессование алюминия, цинка, нержавеющей стали и других проводов, производимая продукция занимает лидирующие позиции в отрасли

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